Using various large language models (LLM)

While the AIGenPipeline uses the OpenAI chat completion API as default, it's easy to configure it to use different models. Here is a description how to configure OpenAI, Anthropic Claude text generation and local models e.g. run with LM Studio. Many similar services use an API that is similar or even mostly compatible to OpenAI's chat completion interface, so you can probably use them with few or no changes in the tool - please contact me if you need something else, or make a PR.

Configuring the model needs setting some command line options. If you don't want to give them in every call of the command line tool, you can either put them into the AIGENPIPELINE_CONFIG environment variable, or create a .aigenpipeline file that contains them. The tool searches from the current directory upwards, so this can be done in the project directory where you run the tool or even into your home directory.

The directory examples/variousModels contains several examples.

OpenAI chat completion API

This is the default, so you don't need to specify the API key. If you just put it into an environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY you don't need any special options. Otherwise, you could create a .aigenpipeline file like this:

# for completeness you could give the URL, but that URL hasn't to be set since it's the default.
# -u
# optional, if you need that
-m gpt-4o-mini 

# Don't look for configuration files in our parent directories

This references environment variables, but you can also put the actual keys into that file.

Anthropic claude

The Anthropic Claude text generation service needs the following arguments in a .aigenpipeline file. If the key is in an environment variable ANTHROPIC_API_VERSION, the -a line with the key can be omitted.


# Don't look for further configuration files

This references environment variables, but you can also put the actual keys into that file.

Local models

For LM Studio the configuration file .aigenpipeline can look like this:

# for completeness, but that URL hasn't to be set since it's the default.
-u http://localhost:1234/v1/chat/completions

# Don't look for further configuration files

Or you could put -u http://localhost:1234/v1/chat/completions into AIGENPIPELINE_CONFIG if you always use that.