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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Exception Summary Class Description AIChatBuilder Defines the interface for building AI chat interactions, allowing customization of the model, token limits, and messages.AIDepDiagram AIGenArgumentList A set of arguments that is either given on command line, from the environment or otherwise given, or read from a config file.AIGenerationTask We support the generation of files using an AI, specifically ChatGPT.AIGenPipeline The main entry point of the AI Generation Pipeline.AIInOut AIInOut is an interface that represents an input or output for AI tasks.AIInOut.AIFileInOut AIFileInOut is an implementation of AIInOut that reads from a file.AIInOut.AIFileSegmentInOut AIFileSegmentInOut is an implementation of AIInOut that reads from a segment of a segmented file.AIInOut.AIStreamInOut AIStreamInOut is an implementation of AIInOut that reads from an input stream.AIModelConstants AIVersionMarker A parsing / creation class for markers like AIGenVersion(ourversion, inputfile1@version1, inputfile2@version2, ...).CopyPseudoAIChatBuilderImpl A pseudo AI chat model that just copies the input to the output.FileLookupHelper Makes it easy to find files to process withAIGenerationTask
etc.OpenAIChatBuilderImpl Implementation of AIChatBuilder for creating and executing OpenAI chat completion requests.OpenAIChatBuilderImpl.ChatCompletionRequest OpenAIChatBuilderImpl.ChatCompletionResponse OpenAIChatBuilderImpl.Message RegenerationCheckStrategy A strategy to decide whether we need to regenerate an output file from input files.RegenerationCheckStrategy.VersionMarkerRegenerationCheckStrategy SegmentedFile ALlows reading and writing individual segments of a file where the segments are separated by a regular expression.TopoSort<T> TopoSort.Edge<T> TopoSort.TopoSortCycleException Is thrown to notify that there is a cycle regarding the given node.WritingStrategy Ways to write a file and embed the version comment.